In order to Script a Mouse Drag Drop, you would need 3 Actions in order. The End Dragging Action marks the completion of a Drag and Drop Mouse Operation. End Dragging : Releasing of Left Mouse Button is done by this Mouse Action.

Begin Dragging : This Mouse Action basically presses Left Button of Mouse and is commonly followed by Mouse Movement and then finally with releasing the Mouse Button in order to complete the Mouse Drag and Drop Process.As compared to physical Mouse Movement, this Automated Mouse Movement, relocates the Mouse Pointer instantly. Move Mouse : This Action relocates Mouse Pointer to a pre-defined Mouse Location instantly.X2 Button Click : This Mouse Action is basically pressing and releasing the 5th Mouse Button on your Mouse. Yes even if your physical Mouse does not have the 5th Mouse Button, you can still Automate this Mouse Action. Pressing the 5th Mouse Button is by default used in Browsers to navigate to the previous page.X1 Button Click : This Mouse Action is basically pressing and releasing the 4th Mouse Button on your Mouse. Yes even if your physical Mouse does not have the 4th Mouse Button, you can still Automate this Mouse Action. Pressing the 4th Mouse Button is by default used in Browsers to navigate to the previous page.Scroll Up and Scroll Down : This Mouse Action is basically rolling the Scroll Wheel on your Mouse in Upwards or Downwards direction. Scroll Up and Scroll Down is a quick alternative to moving the Vertical Scroll Bar in upwards or downwards direction.Depending on your Mouse Hardware, your Mouse may have a Scroll Wheel which you can manually Click and Scroll Up or Scroll Down. Middle Mouse Click : Middle Mouse Click is basically pressing and then releasing the Middle Mouse Button.The Right Click is commonly used to invoke the Right Click Menu or also known as Context Menu. Lots of Applications support automating Right Mouse Click with Keyboard Shortcut Shift + F10. Right Mouse Click : This Mouse Action is pressing and then releasing the Right Mouse Button.Left Mouse Click : This is pressing of Left Mouse Button and then Releasing it commonly known as Mouse Click.
Given below are the types of Mouse related Actions which can be Scripted with the Auto Mouse Click Software Utility. The above Screenshot displays a simple Mouse Clicking Script containing various types of Mouse Clicks. Yes you can Loop the Script so that it runs Multiple Number of times or let it loop indefinitely so that you can stop it later with a Keyboard Shortcut. The "secondary" or "menu" buttons will usually bring up the context menu, whether the buttons are swapped or not.Mouse Clicking Script to Automate Mouse Clicking at predefined Screen Locations The "primary" or "main" button will be the main click, whether or not the buttons are swapped. "Left" and "right" always click those buttons, whether the buttons are swapped or not. If the user has swapped the left and right mouse buttons in the control panel, then the behaviour of the buttons is different. If x or y equal to the Default keyword no move occurs in the corresponding coordinate. If the button is an empty string, the left button will be clicked.

Default speed is 10.Ġ, the button is not in the list or invalid parameter as x without y. A speed of 0 will move the mouse instantly. the speed to move the mouse in the range 1 (fastest) to 100 (slowest). If no x and y coords are given, the current position is used (default). The x/y coordinates to move the mouse to. MouseClick ( "button" ]] )Ĭonstants are defined in "3".