Of the Divine Trinity Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh-Shiva) Shrimad Narasimha Saraswati (Lord Dattatreya incarnation This was remarkable for a 7 year old child and many senior learned Brahmins in the village started coming to him for learning the Vedas to the great astonishment of all the learned people. In fact after his munja was performed he was able to speak all the holy Vedas (the Holiest Hindu scriptures) and even started delivering lectures on it.

However, he showed by hand gestures that after his Upanayana (Munja - Bratabandha or the sacred thread bearing ceremony) he will be able to speak. However, until he was 7 he did not utter any other word other than OM, so his parents were worried about his speech ability. The child (Narasimha Saraswati) was unique in the sense that, he was chanting only 'Aum' (OM - the Hindu holy nirgun mantra) since his birth. Shrimad Narasimha Saraswati was born to this God-fearing & religious couple. In a place called Karanja Nagar which is modern Lad-Karanja or karanja (Maharashtra Vidbaraba region, there lived a pious Brahmin couple, Madhava and Ambabhavani, in the 13th century. Shrimad Narasimha Saraswati (1378 −1458) is the Purna Avatar of Lord Dattatreya (As per "Shripad Shrivallabha Charitra" he is second avatar of Lord Dattatreya). Origin: Shrimad Narasimha Saraswati (Lord Dattatreya incarnation of the Divine Trinity Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh-Shiva: 1378 −1458) Taken by the Kodak Company’s photographer - Read story behind Swami's photo by Kodak This is the FIRST Photograph of Swami Samarth, Two Stories of origin, manifestation or appearance (arrival on the earth) of Shri Swami Samarth Swami Samarth) traveled all over the country. After emerging from samadhi Shrimad Narasimha Saraswati (Shri That divine personality is now known as Shri Swami Samarth.

This awakened Shrimad Narasimha Saraswati from the prolonged samadhi. He stayed in Samadhi for over 300 years and emerged from samadhi because a woodcutter accidentally cut through a tree and hit Shrimad Narasimha Saraswati (or Sri Swami Samarth). It is mentioned in the holy book of Shri Gurucharitra that Shrimad Narasimha Saraswati entered into mahasamadhi in Kardalivana in 1458. Lord Dattatreya, namely Shrimad Narasimha Saraswati. Shri Swami Samarth (also called Sri Akkalkot Swami Samarth) is considered as extension of the fifteenth century incarnation of Narasimha Saraswati: Rigorous Penance, Pilgrimage, Guidance Swami Samarth Origin, Life & Samadhi Topics Miracle Cure – Experience Swami Samarth’s promise to you!! Swami Mantras, Bhajans, Aartis, Jaap, Naam: Video links Samarth Photos (Original photos from 1860s), more pics Story behind Swami Samarth’s First Photo taken by Kodak Company Swami Samarth: Origin, Life, Samadhi and Mantras